Just for the kids (2-15 year olds)
Please note that we can put together a personally tailored combination of these adventures to suit the needs of your family.
Maximum group size is 6
* Certified safety helmets provided
*Stirrup toe-stoppers
*Saddle choices english/western/trekking
*Personalised support
$60 per child (Maximum 4+ optional 2 adult at child price)
The ultimate 'play with ponies' experience for 8-15 year olds! (Confident younger children with some riding experience can do this ride)
Be transported up Pukatea Hill (4 wheel drive) to the hidden table land above. Spend time with your pony on the ground grooming them then we'll saddle up and go play ponies! You'll spend an hour in the saddle playing to your confidence level before we head back to unsaddle and wash the horses down. Watch the horses roll in the warm dust and then gallop off to the herd! Chill for a moment, have a snack and a drink.
Free wifi!
For accompanying adults riding is optional. Two adult are welcome to ride for a special adult rate of $60 as well or you can relax in the porch (Can see some of the antics from there) Other adults pay adult price ($80)
Plug your phone into the stereo and play your favourite music or use the wifi to browse while you relax on the Woodsy rocker.
Read a book, snooze...up to you really or you can come walking and be chief photographer!

$40 per child (maximum 2 + up to 2 adults)
The worlds best pony ride ever!
Not your average round and round but a 'real' ride with the safety of being on a lead rein with me on the ground .
The ideal introduction for children aged 3-7 years or for less confident older children. We will brush the horses and even paint some designs on them with special horse paint before we saddle up and head off to explore!
We will spend 1/2-3/4's of an hour in the saddle. depending on the children, If appropriate children can have a turn off the lead rein with me beside them.
Accompanying adults can also ride for the special adult rate of $40 or you can walk along with us taking photos or leading a pony.
You can relax in the porch (Can see most of the antics from there)
Plug your phone into the stereo and play your favourite music or use the wifi to browse while you relax on the Woodsy rocker.
Read a book, snooze...up to you really!
River Ride
$120 per child (Max-4 + up to 2 optional adult at $120 extra adults $160 each
Suitable for more confident 10-15 year olds especially those with riding experience.
Confident younger children with riding experience can do this ride.
This is an extension of the Pukatea Paddock brown Pony Trek listed above.
After playing up top head down Pukatea Hill on the the special horse track and for a play in the water on the the ponies! You will get wet!
You will be in the saddle for around 2 hours so allow 3 hours in total.
For accompanying Adults riding is optional. You are welcome to ride for a special adult rate of $80 as well or you can relax in the porch (Can see some of the antics from there)
Extra adults pay adult rate.
Plug your phone into the stereo and play your favourite music or use the wifi to browse while you relax on the Woodsy rocker.